Curmudgeon’s Day. According to The American Heritage Dictionary a curmudgeon is a “cantankerous person’. And, according to The American Heritage Dictionary cantankerous means” ill tempered, quarrelsome, disagreeable, contrary.,” in other words cantankerous can be a mood or someone’s whole personality.
Curmudgeons Day is a day to celebrate the cranky people in our lives or a day to allow the cranky person in us to have a day out in the sunshine.
Some famous Curmudgeons would be Lucy from the Peanuts comic strip. Mr. Mooney from The Lucy Show, Cogsworth from Beauty and the Beast, muppets Statler and Waldorf, Ebenezer Scrooge, Peter Capaldi’s Doctor Who, and maybe your mother in law.
A curmudgeon is not just male. It can be female as well. Many of us have had nasty old ladies near where we grew up, or the old spinster that lived by herself and did her best to keep everyone away.
Curmudgeons don’t have to be old either. There are probably some people in your life that are cranky on a regular basis. Even your children can be a curmudgeon from time to time.
So celebrate Curmudgeon’s Day. Either give yourself a day to be cranky, or enjoy the crankiness of someone else. There is another option though, be extra kind to the cranky. Bring a cake to the old spinster. Sit and talk to a grumpy old man who probably thinks the world has forgotten him or go get a cup of coffee for that co-worker who never seems to have a good day. Maybe, an act of kindness can change that person’s whole world.